My mother was a beautiful woman and remained attractive and elegant into her eighties. Her style of thought and attitude to life was dramatic, passionate, warm and loving but her love was a fire that could burn and terrify one. We were very much alike yet very much one another's opposite. Our natures and personalities clashed and we found it hard to accomodate each other, yet were fused and bonded at a very deep level. To my mother I was never a separate being but an extension of herself, her own ego. She found it hard to comprehend that I had different ideas and desires to her own.
However, it was Angela Diana that encouraged my love of literature and encouraged me to read classics from many countries. Alas, I never had her talent for languages. She could read the Greek, Italian, French and English originals. Through Mum's enthusiasm and love of books I entered the world of Tolstoy, Turgenev, Dostoevsky, Chekov, Guy de Maupassant, Zola, Flaubert, Kazantzakis, Plato, and later devoured the English classics.
We forget our beginnings and only know of them if our mother chooses to tell us about what happened. We are mostly unware of our endings and there is no way we have a clue about what happens after our span of mortal life is finished here on earth. I find this annoying. It's one of the reasons I enjoy reading a biography because we perceive the whole linear movement from birth to death and it makes a good story. It has a beginning and an ending. I'm not going to know the ending to my story or know what happens to my children when I'm gone or be able to reflect upon it all. I won't be able to write my story from start to finish. Someone else will have to do it for me.
Linear as it seems, my belief is that this life is part of a circle. All life moves in spirals in the Universe and so, I'm sure, do our little lives. As darkness falls and the day's turmoil is forgotten in sleep, so we move in death into that strange sleep full, perhaps, of dreams and wonders, a sleep forgotten once we circle back once more into the wakefulness of a new life.
Or is it the other way around? Is this mortal life the dream while death wakes us to reality?
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